Rhino 8 for Architects

there is no industry standard software for arch viz, there are just multiple platforms of which many are popular, I will leave you to it, this topic has gone off topic :rofl:

Visual ARQ posted a new video demonstrating their schedules:

And… to be honest it looks like it works pretty good. Back when I used Revit I was able to get what I wanted from the schedules (kind of), but it was a hair pulling experience and not very intuitive for myself at least. These look better but I haven’t used them yet. I don’t (normally) used VARQ objects, but might (hence my experiment above); the schedules look like they are designed to work with VARQ objects, but not exclusively (note the various object types listed when he makes the curtain wall schedule). I’ll have to try these out when I have time.


we had Francesc Salla from Visual Arq do us a demo a couple months back with the focus on exactly creating tables of contents. Yes they are focused on VA objects, which is not what we need, but he showed us using Grasshopper for custom objects, very neat. BUT, we need this native inside Rhino out of the box, it has been requested for years, similar to how Vectorworks tables and worksheets work please :pray:t4:


You do realize Grasshopper comes out of the box with Rhino right? Why waste developing resources on something that can already be achieved? Just learn the program as a whole. There are not 2 separate programs.

You can’t even offset multiple Curves… but not one is complaining because you can with Grasshopper.

Don’t want to create the definition from scratch? Ask Francesc Salla if he can share the definition with you, and problem solved.

oh wow I never knew :upside_down_face:
anyway this has been requested inside of native Rhino for years, if its something you don’t need that’s ok, many others do, cheers :beers:

Done, easy.

I think it will never be implemented because Rhino does not have families of objects such as “walls” as Revit does.

You just have blocks. And a block can be anything. You can have a block be a surface, or a sphere, or an unclosed shaped, or even a curve. So how do you expect McNeel to make up a code that only calculates a schedule if you have prisms such as walls?

Have you ever used Vectorworks, worksheets, tables, creating custom symbols, extracting that data into a live dynamic table of contents, that’s along the lines how it could work. I have a python script that makes a table of my objects in Rhino, its kind of ok, but not what it should be. Its fair enough if you have no need, please leave other users to make there requests without bashing down on them, goodbye

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You clearly don’t understand what you are asking for.
Not answering my question:

You do realize that for example… VisualARQ is able to make a table from ‘Walls’ is because you are using VisualARQ objects right? Not Rhino objects. So basically instead of asking for a Tool to make a table, (which is just a rectangular grid that you fill with text) you are asking Rhino to make new types of objects, so instead of having Meshes, Polysurfaces, Surfaces, Curves, etc you now will have Beams, Columns, Windows, Walls, etc.

The reason a custom python script or a grasshopper definition is a good solution is because it is per user.

Imagine this :rofl:

Good luck with that…

Here is the GH definition if anyone wants it:

table from blocks.gh (38.9 KB)

Uses Elefront to deal with blocks and automatic baking.


I can confirm this from experiences in The Netherlands, Austria and Serbia.
It is the number one app architectural visualization studios use, Maya being the second or third. I am talking just about static rendering photos, not animations.

with all due respect, there are many places in the world where 3ds max is not top of that list, its an argument that doesn’t really have an accurate answer, just speculation and guessing :person_shrugging:

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I totally get what you’re saying. I’m finding many things work almost perfectly, or almost better than Revit. I see more potential than Revit especially considering the cost. Resorting to time-costly solutions are… well… not an option for many people. And let’s face it, there are heaps of great designers out there that don’t, and won’t ever, have programming skills (due to a combination of time, desire, ability, and whatever else).

Including a little bit more “out of the box” would definitely be very helpful. I personally want to see where the software is at and have a template utilizing most the features completed by new years. I’m not really at a level quite yet where I can give valuable feedback to the development team. I think as more usable content appears it will fuel further development as more and more people are actually able to start using the software on a regular basis. Every time I hit a snag and have to figure out a solution for something, I go back to AutoCAD until I can develop that solution. And that means less time in Rhino :frowning: .

I like the program; it’s my favorite program, and I believe in the potential so I’m sticking with it :+1: .

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Yes this is easy to do, going back to what you know. A few years back the company where I worked we went over to Vectorworks, in the beginning it was a fight within not to default back to Rhino :laughing:
I’ve used a few different design softwares over the years, and for me Rhino is my preferred. Lets see what future versions bring us :+1:t4:

Guys, the functionality of the table can be simpler than what BIM offers and there is no need for a grasshopper definition or any complex script.

I imagine the ability of creating a simple table that can tabulate the information below:

Block name
Block attribute
Selected values for user keys
Block location (coordinates)
Counts & Totals.

The closest tool I can find the the “Note block schedule I Revit” I use this a lot to tabulate generic data that I define in some blocks.

Is it possible? Definitely and I see some wip progress is made in this direction.

