Rhino 8 Feature: ScriptEditor (CPython, CSharp)

Did you include a line

# r: numpy

before you do

import numpy


Creating a new py3 example file has this at the top:

This project is work-in-progress and still in its infancy

- Reference to RhinoCommmon.dll is added by default

- You can specify your script requirements like:

    # r: <package-specifier> [, <package-specifier>]
    # requirements: <package-specifier> [, <package-specifier>]

    For example this line will ask the runtime to install
    the listed packages before running the script:

    # requirements: pytoml, keras

    You can install specific versions of a package
    using pip-like package specifiers:

    # r: pytoml==0.10.2, keras>=2.6.0
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