Rhino 8 duplicated QUAD REMESH SETTINGS component?

As per title. I have TWO instances of the component QUAD REMESH SETTINGS under Mesh > Triangulation; one that is current and one that states as “old”. Bug?

Rhino 8 - SRC 8.16.25028.13001

I think due to the new component having an additional input, it can’t simply replace the old one in an existing definition… therefore the old component is still there. I’d use the new component

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Exactly my thoughts as well: compatibility sakes. I assume you also have both then, right?

I haven’t started using the new one yet as at the moment I’m not doing too much Quad Remeshing. I’m using shrinkwrap all the time…

I have played a little with shrinkwrap and there´s lot of potential there IMHO. What I meant to ask is if you also have both “Quad Remesh Settings” components like shown in the first picture =)

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Yes I also have both…


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Thx for confirming, Martin.