5 posts were split to a new topic: Custom display modes look different between Rhino 7 and Rhino 8
Hi developers and everyone else!
A few days ago I installed version 8.6 to study. I literally spent half a day at the famous glass lesson, trying to find the right transparency parameters, like Andrew’s. After some time, I went to the forum and read advice about using physical material.
But it didn’t work as expected. The water turned white instead of black. So we got a glass of milk instead of activated carbon)).
I took several screenshots that show the change in color of water due to transparency.
Normal water is obtained only with ZERO transparency! What?!?..
It was also unexpected to see that the IOR parameter disappears at 100% transparency. 8th Rhino is so cool that he guesses the material himself! Joke. However, ray tracing mode is really slow.
I think this is either misunderstanding or mistranslation in Rhino? This parameter does not describe transparency, but the opposite; Opacity.
So if material is 100% opacity, then it has no IOR, as light cannot pass through by definition.
For approximately pure water Opacity is close to 0%.
For Opacity = 0, and White
For Opacity = 0, and Black
For Opacity = 20, and Orange
If you’re looking for alpha transparency under detailed settings for physically based material add the opacity section. There you’ll find an alpha property, which by default is 1.0. Lower that to get alpha transparency. Note that it is not the same as the opacity property, which controls the amount of transmission.
Oh, my… I’ve been hitting the wall for half a day, and then there’s a bug in translation and a new engine. And where the transparency parameter used to be, it has been replaced with opacity (with reverse translation) for physics.materials.
My guess was confirmed after David’s screenshots. Thanks.