Rhino 8: Crashed when querying objects in grasshopper without report

Objects in this file will crash the rhino 8 in the latest SR without report when being queried in Grasshopper. This situation appeared after I change the usertext by bake itself.
Please see below:

This is how I modified the objects usertext:

And then:

testing file:
Crashed by Query in Grasshopper.3dm (2.2 MB)

Do you have any ideas for this, thanks a lot! @AndyPayne

Assigned to Grasshopper category

If you do audit you’ll there is an issue with the Render material on the objects. Putting a new material on the objects allows them to be used in GH again.

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Thanks for the reply and the resolution. So is this on purpose? Or the shown workflow of what I modified the usertext is not correct?

No, I’ve filed a bug report, grasshopper shouldn’t crash in this case. This seems unrelated to applying the usertext.

It seems different and confusing which is showing “no error” on my computer in win 11 :sweat_smile:

Interesting, another thing of note is I was able to submit a crash report (MacOS), where yours did not. Regardless, its in the system and being looked at. Thanks for reporting,

This is fixed now on Rhino 8.2