Rhino 8 Bug, Two Point Perspective switches to Perspective

I just upgraded to the latest release and now, when a camera is in Two Point Perspective, it switches to perspective as soon as I orbit or move the camera target it switches to Perspective. In previous versions, this was never an issue, the view would just be distorted/shifted.

How can I fix this or revert to a previous release?

Rhino 8 SR12 2024-9-10 (Rhino 8, 8.12.24254.14002, Git hash:master @ 0d47d84f9f61613cef2cb442b9de0cc5f9f727de)

View Capture to File also renders incorrectly, again.

Yes, this is an already known issue, you can use below Macro to switch Perspective to Two Point Perspective,

-ViewportProperties _P _T _Enter

Ok, is there an easy way to revert to a previous release like 8.10?

You need to uninstall current Rhino 8.12 and then reinstall the Rhino 8.10 again.
:point_right: Rhino 8.10 for Mac installation package

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Thank you!

I also got stumped Two Point Perspective suddenly stopped working correctly. Good to know it’s being worked on. Hopefully it gets fixed soon.

Hi Jessesn - Can you send me a link for windows 8.10 so I can also resolve this same issue? Would like to have normal two-point perspective working again. Thanks!

@William_Beck I can send you 8.10 by pm, or the latest 8.13, which does not seem to have this issue
Are you on Mac?

Windows. If 8.13 does not have the problem that would be fine. But how come 8.13 is not released yet? I currently have 8.11.24 and my system says it’s the most up to date version.

pm sent.
8.12 is currently the service release candidate, internal builds are on 8.x branch, which is currently 8.13

Is 8.13 safe to download right now? Would rather not have a buggy program, but if you think it’s alright I will go for it. Based on the release schdule of previous months, seems we may be days away from the stable release of 8.12?

Hi William -

If all goes well, we are hours away from a release of the stable 8.12. At that same time, the first public release candidate of 8.13 will also be released.

This issue is fixed in 8.13.

Hi Everyone,

@Gijs could I ask you for the 8.10 Rhino 8 version for Windows as well?

I have 8.12 right now and I also have this ‘Two point perspective changing to Perspective as soon as you move the view’ problem and it’s really inconvenient to view the model this way.

Thank you in advance!

Pm sent

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Hi @Gijs and all,

I noticed this on Windows also.Version 8 SR12 (8.12.24282.7001, 2024-10-08)
I attached a video:

Please fix,
This is a very used feature,
Thank you!

hi @Bogdan_Chipara ,

this is on the list as RH-83697 Two point perspective not working

I’ve added this thread

@Gijs , while we’re at it ,

Other rendering software cannot properly align the Two Point Perspective with their window. This happens in Enscape also and they said that they are missing some info from Rhino team. Whithout this info they cannot make the alignment of the camera. (this is a very old issue)

Do you know anything about this?

no, but maybe @nathanletwory knows.

This is the first time I hear about them needing extra information.

The Enscape developers can look at this:

More specifically in the method from here on:

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