Rhino 8 Bug: Save as Template wrong folder

Hi McNeel,

I think I found another bug in Rhino (8.0.23304.9001, 2023-10-31) .

When you use Save as Template command, the default folder is the Rhino 7 template file folder.

I assume that this should point to the Rhino 8 equivalent folder.

Hi Mike - what is set in Options > Files page?


Looks like the Rhino 7 folder for Location, and the Rhino 8 folder for Default.

Location: C:\Users\mmagee\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\Localization\en-US\Template Files

Default: C:\Users\mmagee\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\8.0\Localization\en-US\Template Files

It also looks like the Autosave files end up in a Rhino 6 folder.
C:\Users\Public\Documents\Rhinocerous 6.0 Autosave

So I get it that this is where I would change it. Shouldn’t it be pointing to the Rhino 8 folder as a default? I tried to do as clean of an install for Rhino 8 as possible, but obviously still have Rhino 7 (and 6) installed on this computer.