Rhino 8 Bug Report

Here is a list of bugs from using R8 (8.2.23346.13002, 2023-12-12) on MacOS (13.6.3) as they happened - no particular order:

  1. Commands line autocomplete is center justified, should be left justified as in R7. I typed “Ext” and got this:

Text should be left justified

  1. The “esc” key does not dismiss the "Show panels…‘’ pop-up window. Only by clicking off the panel can it be dismissed.

  1. The “Panel” panel is missing making paneling difficult.

"Panel" panel is missing

  1. “History” tab background is sometime not highlighted, even though bold, sometimes not bold, even though activated.

history background missing when selected

histroy being recorded, but tab not highlighted

  1. Selecting a floating palettes sometimes causes all R8 windows to disappear. Impossibly frustrating. Rhino is shown as the front-running process, but no Rhino windows are visible. Clicking on a background window makes Rhino reappear. This seems to be usually caused by the cursor moving over a tool-tip from a floating palette. A horrible bug. Image shows Rhino running but no Rhino windows visible.

Incredible frustrating dissapearing screen with palete selection

  1. Message showing result of some common action displays in floating mini-window obstructing other functions.

  1. Expanded tool icon grow in size after being detached from parent icon, with empty rows and/or columns. For example this

floating palette becomes bigger

becomes this…

bigger palette wastes space

  1. Cursor/tool tips sometimes do not disappear, and remain floating in front of all R8 and other windows.

Cursor tips do not dissapaer

  1. Scale handles do not align with surface of newly formed cylinder. Red and green are floating in space. Scale handles sometimes disappear (not shown).

  1. Layer status of visibility and lock is not shown for selected layer. Does this mean they are visible, or locked, or not? A little confusing. Dimmed is more typical display for inoperable icons, but why can’t I lock the current layer?. Similarly, layer states are chenged by selecting that layer. Selecting a locked/invisible layer incorrectly unlocks it and makes it visible, requiring a re-locking/visibility setting after selecting a different layer.

Layer visible ro not

  1. Changing the name of a layer requires unnecessary finesse. Selecting the layer name to edit require 2 carefully timed clicks, unless already selected, then just one, but in which case, 2 clicks prevents editing the layer name.


  1. Requesting a new window from the launch dialog box takes 10’s of seconds with spinning rainbow cursor wheels. Activity monitor reports a hang. Opening existing file is quick.

Website bug: The “contact us” icon (mail/chat) does not appear in Safari, but does in Firefox.

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