Here is a list of bugs from using R8 (8.2.23346.13002, 2023-12-12) on MacOS (13.6.3) as they happened - no particular order:
- Commands line autocomplete is center justified, should be left justified as in R7. I typed “Ext” and got this:
- The “esc” key does not dismiss the "Show panels…‘’ pop-up window. Only by clicking off the panel can it be dismissed.
- The “Panel” panel is missing making paneling difficult.
- “History” tab background is sometime not highlighted, even though bold, sometimes not bold, even though activated.
- Selecting a floating palettes sometimes causes all R8 windows to disappear. Impossibly frustrating. Rhino is shown as the front-running process, but no Rhino windows are visible. Clicking on a background window makes Rhino reappear. This seems to be usually caused by the cursor moving over a tool-tip from a floating palette. A horrible bug. Image shows Rhino running but no Rhino windows visible.
- Message showing result of some common action displays in floating mini-window obstructing other functions.
- Expanded tool icon grow in size after being detached from parent icon, with empty rows and/or columns. For example this
becomes this…
- Cursor/tool tips sometimes do not disappear, and remain floating in front of all R8 and other windows.
- Scale handles do not align with surface of newly formed cylinder. Red and green are floating in space. Scale handles sometimes disappear (not shown).
- Layer status of visibility and lock is not shown for selected layer. Does this mean they are visible, or locked, or not? A little confusing. Dimmed is more typical display for inoperable icons, but why can’t I lock the current layer?. Similarly, layer states are chenged by selecting that layer. Selecting a locked/invisible layer incorrectly unlocks it and makes it visible, requiring a re-locking/visibility setting after selecting a different layer.
- Changing the name of a layer requires unnecessary finesse. Selecting the layer name to edit require 2 carefully timed clicks, unless already selected, then just one, but in which case, 2 clicks prevents editing the layer name.
- Requesting a new window from the launch dialog box takes 10’s of seconds with spinning rainbow cursor wheels. Activity monitor reports a hang. Opening existing file is quick.
Website bug: The “contact us” icon (mail/chat) does not appear in Safari, but does in Firefox.