Using Rhino v8 SR11 for Windows I noticed that moving a section plane with Gumball changes its name. Is this expected behaviour or a bug?
Using Rhino v8 SR11 for Windows I noticed that moving a section plane with Gumball changes its name. Is this expected behaviour or a bug?
Hi Iván -
This is not something I can reproduce here.
Could you post that 3dm file? Which command did you use to create the clipping plane, and which workflow was used to name it?
Hi Wim. Excuse me because I didn’t explain fully. I create those clippin planes using RhinoCommon API with Python. After creating them, If I move some of the planes as shown in gif, the object name changes (ie: “**temp_clipping_plane**” changes to “**temp_00**”)
Notice that the top clipping plane is not affected…
If I save the file and reopen, this does not happen.
The code that creates the plane follows:
for plane in planes:
clip_plane_guid = doc.Objects.AddClippingPlane(plane, plane_size, plane_size,
if clip_plane_guid == System.Guid.Empty:
clip_plane = doc.Objects.Find(clip_plane_guid)
clip_plane.Name = TEMP_PLANE_NAME