Rhino 7 for mac - Maxwell toolbar disappeared


Maxwell is set as render-engine, If I type ‘maxwell-render’ I manage to export to the render engine… but the maxwell toolbar and maxwell materials are not showing any more for some reason…
Maxwell_showtoolbars is also not working…

anybody the same problem or options to get the toolbars back?



is the maxwell toolbar loaded? if not, do so from there, then redock it as needed.

There is no such thing as ‘toolbarlayout’ in the ‘tools’-menu…

Also I don’t find ‘maxwell’ in the ’
Window>Active Tool Palettes’ -menu… I would expect to find it there…

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I have the same issue.

I cannot activate the Maxwell Toolbars.

Command: Maxwell_ShowToolbars
Unknown command: ToolPalette=MaxwellRendering
Unknown command: ToolPalette=MaxwellMaterials
Unknown command: ToolPalette=MaxwellTools

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