Rhino 7 for Mac - Disable Automatic Updates

@JohnM When we addressed:

RH-60427 Preferences: Added an advanced setting on Mac to disable checking for updates

it looks like we removed the check on MRDisableCheckForUpdates - the previous Rhino for Mac NSUserDefaults compatible preference key:

Setting that preference from Terminal looked like this:

defaults write com.mcneel.rhinoceros MRDisableCheckForUpdates -bool YES
(for Rhino 5, that is)

Do you think there’s a way we could pass a valid “new-style Rhino settings” compatible-way in? I’m not sure this is even possible. I ran a diff on the ~/Library/Preferences/com.mcneel.rhinoceros.7.plist before and after setting the EnableCheckForUpdates in Preferences > Advanced, but I could not find this key as I believe the xml is compressed (?). Do you know a way to figure out the key?

In the end, we might need a more Mac compatible way to doing this. It was probably a mistake on our part (mine included) removing this.