Sounds like you’re switching to the Raytraced mode, not Rendered.
When using the Radeon 5700xt please try:
from the thread you linked.
Odd combination is fine. I have in my desktop: Radeon Pro WX9100 and Nvidia RTX A6000.
If you’re running the denoisers while in the Raytraced mode - we’re currently leaking memory and it is being worked. So for now while Raytracing and you keep doing that for extended time turn off the denoiser.
The GPU RAM isn’t used for this particular part, so it sounds a bit odd that GPU consumption keeps creeping up.
If you could please share your (simple) test file with me via that’d be great. All weekend I’ve been working on different memory management fixes for Raytraced, so an extra file from a user to test with is only better.