When i run Rhino 7 after Rhino 6 it alway tells me “rhino 7 needs a license” and I have to enter the license again.
For license registration i use only for this PC option.
Did you previously have Rhino 7 WIP or Beta installed?
Yes, both versions were installed on my PC before without any issue with rhino 6, but the same problem exist on a PC where Rhino 7 WIP or Beta is not previously installed.
Is this your experience or are you repeating what you’ve seen here?
When I upgraded my PC’s from V6 to V7 I had a problem with one requesting the V7 license repeatedly. I uninstalled V7 and V7 Beta, and then reinstalled V7.
Just my experience, in the office where I work there are two PCs on one I did some test of Rhino wip, on the other i never installed any versions of rhino 7 before official release.
Both this PCs have the same issue.
However i uninstall all Rhino7 previous versions before installing official Rhino7.
Something new about this issue??
Today after re-entering the Rhino7 license and validating it successfully.
When Rhino7 start show me this box and i can’t save.
Please need help.
Similar problems in here.
V7 was installed 2 or 3 days ago using the trial key.
Yesterday the locally stored V6 license was gone.
After re-entering it V6 works again.
Today I started V6 - ok.
Quitted V6.
Startet V7 Testversion.
License is not there.
is there any update?
Hi, I thought this was reported in another thread, but it was in an email. Sorry to leave this thread silent. This bug is fixed in 6.32 release candidate. https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-61571
Please enable Release Candidate updates in Tools > Options > Updates and Statistics to get the build early.
Hi, @brian thanks for your reply.
I have done some testing and this seems to solve my issue. Thanks again.