Rhino 6 Zoo license

I’m using the zoo license from my lab for Rhino 6.
After I checked out my license rhino said the license is checked out until 14/10/2018(see attached)
but today which is 02/10/2018, it told me my license has expired and I need to validate my license in order to save.
This is not the first time that the checked out license expires before the date due. It can really be a disaster sometimes…
Is there anyone else encountering this problem and how to fix it?

EDU lab license check out is limited to 30 days no matter how the Zoo console itself is configured.
The was a change requested by a number of school network administrators and was added for Zoo 6.


Schools should use the cloud zoo if they want to have an “unlimited” checkout.

I guess I would describe it a bit differently, as the cloud zoo has no “checkout” feature per se.
With the cloud zoo team, license access is actively managed by a Team owner or admin.

Individual users can be invited to, or removed from the team; perhaps on a quarterly or semester basis, to manage access to the V6 license.

Yep, that’s what I was implying… The admin has more control over who can access a license and for how long…

I am currently trying to figure out how the Cloud-Zoo is handling EDU-lab licences. Important, because we think of buying one or two sets and need to understand the process. If I get it right:

  • Only the LAN-Zoo can prevent licenses from being checked-out (online-only) or define a specific lease-time before the license is revoked automatically?
  • From the Cloud-Zoo, licenses are checked out “indefinitely”, as long as the machine is able to connect back to the Cloud-Zoo every n (how many?) days?
  • But: EDU-Lab licenses from the Cloud-Zoo are revoked after 30 days and need to be re-checked-out?

Is that still correct? Is there a documentation of this somewhere?
Thx, Fabian

  1. The LAN Zoo runs behind your firewall. It hands out licenses to any computer on the same network segment as the host server. Rhino and the LAN Zoo communicate every 5 minutes. When Rhino closes the license is returned to the LAN Zoo. If the Rhino goes off-line (crashes), the license is automatically returned in 15 minutes.
    LAN Zoo has an optional “Check out” feature that when enabled, will allow the workstation to disconnect from the LAN and Rhino may have a license for up to 30 days with a Lab license setup.

  2. Lab licenses in a Cloud Zoo Team will work off-campus from home or away. They use a local license lease that lasts for about 20 days. The license is refreshed silently when Rhino starts if there in an Internet connection. If there is no internet, and the lease is still valid, Rhino runs but silently fails to update the lease. This is how we make Internet based licensing reliable.
    There is no “check out” feature in Cloud Zoo licensing.

  3. Yes, unless you use a VPN client from the remote computer to securely connect to the LAN where the LAN Zoo host is. Then it’s as if you were on campus.

Here is a link to a Wizard you can use to explore your options, features, and limitations for licensing. Click on the option for the 30-user Educational Lab license: