Rhino 6 release GumballDisplayConduit problem

Hi all.
Probably there is a problem with GumballMode of GumballDisplayConduit . Using RotationZ it does not give the right enum value for GumballMode.RotateZ mode.When debugging value is 17. Can someone verify it? In rhinocommon 5 it was perfect. Thank you

Can you share a snippet of code that shows this problem? I am a bit confused, as I don’t see a RotationZ on GumballDisplayConduit… ( http://developer.rhino3d.com/api/RhinoCommon/html/T_Rhino_UI_Gumball_GumballDisplayConduit.htm )

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Sorry .I wanted to say that the PickResult.Mode gives the wrong value. It may be None, RotationZ … If you pick the rotation, it gives the wrong value and debugging it is 17

If it can help ,here some code:
var dc = new Rhino.UI.Gumball.GumballDisplayConduit();
if(dc.PickResult.Mode== Rhino.UI.Gumball.GumballMode.RotateZ)

Hi Nathan. Thank you for your replay. Here is example of code, mine is too
long to be posted i think but you will understand obviously what i wanted
to say.

var dc = new Rhino.UI.Gumball.GumballDisplayConduit();
if(dc.PickResult.Mode== Rhino.UI.Gumball.GumballMode.RotateZ)

In one of my methods i have to detect gumball mode but the
dc.PickResult.Mode gives me the wrong value.

Hi @gianfranco74,

Can you provide source code, that I can run here, that is not working for you?

– Dale

Hi Dale. I cannot divide that part from the rest of the code
unfortunately.I understand wath you are saying. If i provide you with some
videos while debugging ?

No problem - I’ve found the issue.


– Dale

Thank you .