Rhino 6 Mac crashes when switching to ghosted


my problem: Rhino 6 keeps crashing when I switch to ghosted mode, in different files. Now I am working in a rather simple one, building a thread, but it also happened in other, more complex models.

I tried restart, closing all other programms and all, it is driving me crazy. I am working on a 13’’ MacBook Pro 2017 in High Sierra.

If anyone has an idea what might cause it, I’d be very grateful!

Best regards - Jan

are you maybe using a reconfigured display mode? maybe resetting might help. if you say it happens in “different” and therefor specific files maybe you can post one of these.

Hi Jan,

First of all, to make it easier for support to help you, run the command _SystemInfo and post the result here.

Hi Gijs,
I’ll upload the system info attached.Systeminfo-1-19-2020.txt (3.6 MB)

Hi encephalon,
yes, I am using a reconfigured display mode for ghosted, where I increased transparency. I’ll try to reset that and see what happens. Thanks for the hint!

And this is one of the files which reliably make Rhino crash when switching to ghosted, it is just a very simple thread …
Gewinde-1.3dm (9.4 MB)

P.S.: And yes, after resetting the mode to default, the file seems to be okay! Thanks!

No that’s not it, just run _SystemInfo command in Rhino and post that.

Sorry, got that wrong. This is it now, hopefully! Thanks for your effort!
Rhino_Systeminfo.txt (2.7 KB)