Whenever I try to export or print a pdf from rhino, it starts off printing a blank pdf and then any time after that the program stops responding and freezes my entire computer. I have tried the save as method, export selected, and print, none work. This is happening on all of my files not just one. Not sure what the issue is
There are a few potentials here.
Normally this is an old video driver. Type in SystemInfo on the commandline and check the Driver date. If it is not from this year, you can use the video information in system info to find a newer driver.
In Rhino 6 use the Rhino PDF printer driver. We can fix that. The Adobe one is inconsistent.
The drive date says 2016, but I do not have an outside video card, and intel says my video driver is up to date.
I was using the Rhino PDF printer driver and still not success.
Yes, 2016 is normally too old. What kind of card is it? Normally a driver from this year is available.
Which Intel is it?
This is where i check for drivers.
Yes I did that and it says everything is up to date
I have Intel HD Graphics 5000
- Driver Version20.19.15.4568
- Driver Date12/16/2016
I am going to guess this is the newest driver from Intel for you card on Windows 10 64-bit: Intel® Graphics Driver for Windows* [15.40]
It is dated 9/18/2018
The automatic driver checks never really work well. It has gotten difficult to find the newest video drivers on many cards, but Intel’s have been especially difficult. This is partially because the computer manufacturers give up on support even though Intel continues to release new drivers.