Did anyone else get an un-notified reboot upon install of SR6? Please McNeel, give the option of delaying the reboot like we’re accustomed to with other software. Thank you.
Just a little inconvenience I noticed…
Last update removed all language packs installed but the one in use. I often switch languages for teaching, and I don’t have my SN with me so I can’t re install rhino by myself today. So I’m stuck with French for the day.
edit : keybords shortcuts in french are a mess! for instance, for the mirror command, X axis hotkey is “A” and Y axis hotkey is “X”…
edit 2 : Had not read point 2 above. Why is that? This is really not helping me!
I do not agree at all with your points.
Arguing that users don’t know better and then forcing them all to the lowest common denominator is not the way this should be solved.
You have to take the time to come with the best solution. The majority of users would benefit from installing and using x64 Rhino. Hiding this possibility is not the solution. Can’t the installer check for installed x86-only plug-ins and then warn the user?
Hi Marc,
The only case where I can think of 64-bit Rhino being an improvement is if they are making large models and/or renderings and getting close to the 3GB RAM limit imposed by 32-bit systems. In our experience, this is not very common.
And while I guess you could consider 32-bit Rhino a lowest common denominator, it isn’t actually an inferior version in the cast majority of use cases.
Am I missing something obvious here?
Brian Gillespie
Hi Bran,
Maybe I’m in a particular situation but at my three last jobs, every colleagues (in all about 45) hit, at one time or another, the RAM limit and had to devise workaround to get the job done.
The workarounds exists and are not so complicated but they’re enough trouble to consider switching software.
Hi Brian,
Sorry to say but I really don’t see the point of this new install.
I never had the impression it was the difficult part in learning Rhino…
This sounds a little despising (too strong word I know). We may not all be very fine C++ developers, but we’re not green haired lemmings either, and maybe we could learn at some point.
Please, can you tell me something good about the language packs? I may not know what 64-bits REALLY means, but I sure know I need English, French and Italian at least.
And I second Marc, RAM limit can indeed be reached very quickly, it doesn’t depend only on the contents of your file, but what you’re doing with it too I guess. I really don’t see the point of installing both versions.
Frederic Becquelin
PS. I forgot my cd key again, so again I’m stuck with lousy shortcuts for the day. I estimate the speed loss to 15% at least.
Sure, that’s exactly why we have 64-bit Rhino in the first place. I never said that nobody needed it. It’s just that, in our experience, not very many people need 64-bit.
If you know the difference between 32-bit, 2GB, and HD, then I’m not talking about you. You’ll just have to take my word for it that plenty of customers call on the phone and send us email that don’t know the difference.
We’d love to be able to educate everybody about the pros and cons of using 32-bit vs 64-bit software, but the installer is not the place to do that.
When Rhino 6 ships, it’ll be 64-bit only, and none of the plug-ins compiled for Rhino 4 or 5 will be compatible, so this issue will disappear completely.
Actually I dont care about the double install thing, I just mentioned it because it seemed to be the reason why the languages were out.
(Anyway I’m more and more disapointed by windows, so I might swith to mac whenever Rhino an GH are ready!)
I downloaded 3 complete rhino installers this morning to get my languages back. Luckily I can still switch languages after I intalled each version. Back on tracks, untill next SR…
Right, the FAQ section and the download page seem more like the place. Since you already took the time to write it,…