Rhino 5 Render Tools vs. Flamingo NXT: Which to Use?

My new employer has asked me if I can render new furniture designs I’ve been working on, for promotion purposes. Should I use Rhino 5’s built-in render tools, or should I buy Flamingo NXT? Which tool is the best one for the job? I have no experience with either render tool. (I don’t think Vray is an option, due to price.) Any suggestions or opinions would be greatly appreciated, thanks-

You should definitely try before you buy. And start with Neon, which is free. If you in addition to that install the evaluation of Brazil you can use complex materials.

I agree with wim I use Brazil and am most pleased with the results. As he said Neon is free, I think if you go look at this thread you will see that Neon does an amazing job.


Attached is an image of a ring that was rendered with Brazil. I looked at both Brazil and Flamingo prior to spending money and in my opinion Brazil gave me the best for the money spent.

All my best … Danny

This is one I rendered with Flamingo nxt

I was able to change the grain direction to look accurate.

Thanks everyone for the input. Your renders look very good. I guess I’ll try them all.