Can rhino delete the %appdata% plugin folder when re-installing an rhi file. This would allow a clean install and save any problems with rui files not updating.
Currently I am distributing an exe file which manages this - but I would like to start distributing an rhi file compiled from my (rhp + some folders).
@will I have found it impossible to get an individual code signing license (I am not a company) - so the installer displays all the warnings (Microsoft + anti-virus) can throw at it. Would McNeel be able to code sign my exe file ? OR could V6 have an option when running an RHI to ask the user if they would like a clean install ?
We can’t use our certificates to sign anyone else’s code. I’ve opened an issue in our bug tracker to look into how this could be achieved either via RHI or the RhinoScriptCompiler itself (see RH-37957), however I hope you can appreciate that we’re all very busy at the moment!