recently I have come across this “bug”? where lines get a small visible dot/line on every intersection with other curves viewed from an direct view (like top, front).
This was is not the case with RH7, there the line is perfectly straight with no dots/lines of intersection lines.
This is Rhino attempting to show “end-on” wires. It looks like the dots are bigger than what they should be. Could you share this 3dm so I can try to repeat what you are seeing?
It is super annoying when modelling, as you don’t know if your curve has an issue or not, just to find out its just an intersection line.
Here is an example file. DotsOnLines.3dm (48.0 KB)
thanks, yeah I did not know if that is just a thing that can be solved via the RH8 settings (antialiasing or similar) or would require more efforts. Thanks for looking into it.