RH8 ClippingDrawings: Why Can't I Place Them Precisely?

Firstly, I’m really happy to see section-tools functionality natively in Rhino. It’s a huge step forward in drafting capability.

But, I want way more control over the PlacementPoint feature of ClippingDrawings.

In this case I want to move the ClippingDrawing from the model work area on the left to the drawings work area on the right, while maintaining exactly the same position to the grey reference rectangles that define each work area.

On large, complex models this kind of feature becomes very critical:

This is currently impossible to do with ClippingDrawings. Instead, I’d like two controllable reference grip points that I can move precisely–preferably with any of the normal Rhino translation commands. @rajaa, is this kind of feature something you are currently working on?


I understand your pain. I added the following report to help…