RH8 - Clipping section - line and layer preset

Hi there,

would be possible to say Rhino will have all clipping section only in one master layer (as Make2D) with “Drawing/Hatch/Curve…” sublayers?
Or would be possible to have a preset option for sublayers properties for clipping section commnad (linetype, color, print width…)?


  • “all Curve sublayer are black, continuos, black print, width 0.35”
  • “all Hatch sublayer are blue, continuos, grey print, width 0.2”
    …and so on…

Rhino create for each clipping section separate layer with sublayers - if man have 10 or more section, then is terrible set up properties for each sublayer…

Choice “PrintWidth/DisplayColor=ByInputObject” isn’t solution…because need have Hatch properties and Curve properties in separete layers…

Second issue - in standard clipping plane and in clipping section too are visible lines behind “section plane” which should be invisible…(f.e. lines behind solids…)

Hi Dušan -

That’d be something to discuss with @rajaa.

Please start a new thread and include a sample 3dm file.

Hi @wim
Ok, than you for reply…
I see, that i reporting this issue 3 years ago…here:

But this issue is not solved in RH8…

Same issue by Clipping section “background”