Reverse values in python

Hi all,

I am trying to reverse the values generated by "for"loop

Import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
for i in range(0,40):
pts = rs.addpoint(i,0,0)

so this is what i did first and now i want to reverse the values.Scale the spheres the opposite.
i tried reversed method as in general python and negative values.

How about this:

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs

for i in range(0,40):
    pts = rs.AddPoint(i,0,0)

Is that what you need?


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Thank u Willem… :ok_hand:

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or use range(40,0,-1).

Remember that range has signature range(start,stop,step). See the Python documentation on range for complete description.


Negative values are not working with python in rhino.