Hi there! I have a file (attached here below) that has an invisible geometry (which I want to alter), it is not “hidden” but somehow invisible. The geometry is definitely there since a plugin refers to that file and grabs it from there, how is possible to exhibit it? And is there a command allowing to obtain the whole list of objects in a Rhino file?
GhostGeometry.3dm (7.3 MB)
Hi @sadovshikov
At first look, there’s nothing there but the robot arm; no blocks or anything. Can you provide an object name (or even type; is it mesh, polysrf, surface or…?) of the missing piece? Also, how is said plugin refrerencing the object (by name, ID or something else)? The plugin might have embedded a copy - and the original could have been be deleted
HTH, Jakob
EDIT You can use Audit3dmFile
to get a good overview of what’s in a file - this one seems to contain the 16 meshes of the robot arm and not much else (besides plugin data).
Hi @Normand So it should be a set of mesh objects and refer to other .3dm files, which in contrast do show their geometries, the geometry name can be absent. The plugin is the “Robots” and I get access to the geometry through the plugin just only if I have the corresponding files (.3dm and .xml file) in a special folder on my computer, so the .xml file doesn’t have geometry (only some description) and only the place where can be stored the geometer is that .3dm.
I think by layers name, referring to the example above, but not definitely sure
Thanks for that, I haven’t known that until you mentioned it. And yes, it really shows that there are layers and objects nevertheless they are disappeared
Hi @sadovshikov
I’m not at my computer right now, but check if you have any filters on for the layers (the icon looks like a small funnel) in the layers window.
HTH, Jakob
Hi -
I’m confused about the description of the issue here.
When I open your file and unhide the layers, I see this:
Should there be more objects?
Oh, it was a bug on my side, after restarting my computer all layers appear…