Reveal ghost geometry from a Rhino file

Hi there! I have a file (attached here below) that has an invisible geometry (which I want to alter), it is not “hidden” but somehow invisible. The geometry is definitely there since a plugin refers to that file and grabs it from there, how is possible to exhibit it? And is there a command allowing to obtain the whole list of objects in a Rhino file?
GhostGeometry.3dm (7.3 MB)

Hi @sadovshikov
At first look, there’s nothing there but the robot arm; no blocks or anything. Can you provide an object name (or even type; is it mesh, polysrf, surface or…?) of the missing piece? Also, how is said plugin refrerencing the object (by name, ID or something else)? The plugin might have embedded a copy - and the original could have been be deleted :grimacing:
HTH, Jakob
EDIT You can use Audit3dmFile to get a good overview of what’s in a file - this one seems to contain the 16 meshes of the robot arm and not much else (besides plugin data).

Hi @Normand So it should be a set of mesh objects and refer to other .3dm files, which in contrast do show their geometries, the geometry name can be absent. The plugin is the “Robots” and I get access to the geometry through the plugin just only if I have the corresponding files (.3dm and .xml file) in a special folder on my computer, so the .xml file doesn’t have geometry (only some description) and only the place where can be stored the geometer is that .3dm.

For instance, how other files look

I think by layers name, referring to the example above, but not definitely sure

Thanks for that, I haven’t known that until you mentioned it. And yes, it really shows that there are layers and objects nevertheless they are disappeared

Hi @sadovshikov
I’m not at my computer right now, but check if you have any filters on for the layers (the icon looks like a small funnel) in the layers window.
HTH, Jakob

Hi -

I’m confused about the description of the issue here.
When I open your file and unhide the layers, I see this:

Should there be more objects?

Oh, it was a bug on my side, after restarting my computer all layers appear…