We are having problems with a live script, which was previously working fine. When some parameters are changed, the error message “We are sorry, results for these parameter values can not be displayed”.
We haven’t changed anything to the script (not that I’m aware of anyway) and the problem is experienced in multiple models. Some models are unaffected, so my guess is that it has something to do with computation time.
@carl the problem has been fixed, however please be aware that the timed out solutions have been cached for your model. Unfortunately our platform does not yet offer functionality to delete such cached solutions which should ideally be recomputed. This will become possible in the near future, until then the only solution for you is to re-upload the model. I am sorry for the inconvenience.
@carl one more thing I noticed: your model has a lot of Grasshopper components which do not have preview switched off, causing unnecessary “outputs” to show up on the API, which in turn can have negative impact on performance. Please consider switching off preview for all components which are not explicitly used to display geometry.