Hi all, many times I need to find the intersection between 2 surfaces that are trimmed and their edges are not close enough to join and at the same time they don’t intersect to obtain the intersection.
Apart from that these surfaces may have other areas trimmed that need to stay as they are.
No matter the cause, what I usually do is, copy those surfaces to a temp layer, untrim both surfaces keeping the trim object, create the intersection curve again and then update the trim object curve with the new intersection and trim the surfaces again.
I don’t know if its possible with scripts to select 2 trimmed surfaces and obtain the intersection of these curves as if they were untrimmed.
This is a typical case
and what I need is recalculate the intersection between the green and blue surfaces
Hi Emilio, thanks for sharing it!
Can you please tell me how to make it work?
Do I have to save it as rvb and create a button with ! _-LoadScript? because I tried it without luck…
I don’t know much about scrips.