Replace text

Good morning

I need to replace a chain of a few texts and annotation points.

I have the following texts and points:


Where XXXXXX are numbers different in each case.

I need to change both the texts and points: A-TG-H - by of B-YH-J-
that everything stays as it is: B-YH-J-XXXXXXXX

But I can’t find option to replace in Rhino v5.

Can you help me?
Thank you!

FindText is what you are looking for.
It will select all instances or one-by-one.
If you want to apply some sort of process automation I’d recommend Grasshopper.


there is a script writen by @dale , it runs in V5 i used it a while ago. Runing it was a bit hard for me but i will share how i made it run (not sure if its the easy way)

1- copy the text from site
2- create a text file then open it > paste what you have copied from the site > save (i named my file as β€œreplacetext.rvb”)
3- open rhino
4-type "loadscript"
5- click "Add"
6- Find your replacetext.rvb file and sellect it. in the same window click β€œLoad” then "Close"
7- type β€œRunscript” in the new window sellect replacetext script and click "OK"
8- it will ask you what to search for and what to replace with and if the search is case sensitive.


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It works only with the text, but ir doesn’t work with the annotation points.

Thanks for your help!

then i dont know who wrote that script :wink:
maybe someone can tweak it.

Option Explicit

’ ReplaceText.rvb – August 2011
’ If this code works, it was written by Dale Fugier.
’ If not, I don’t know who wrote it.
’ Works with Rhino 4.0.

’ Replaces text
Sub ReplaceText

Const RH_TEXTDOT = 8192

Dim arrObjects, strObject
Dim strOldText, strNewText, strFind, strReplace 
Dim strTitle, nCompare, nCount

strTitle = "Replace Text"
nCount = 0

arrObjects = Rhino.ObjectsByType(RH_ANNOTATION + RH_TEXTDOT)
If IsNull(arrObjects) Then
	Call Rhino.Print("No text objects found.")
	Exit Sub
End If

strFind = Rhino.StringBox("Text string to find:",, strTitle)
If IsNull(strFind) Then Exit Sub

strReplace = Rhino.StringBox("Text string to replace with:",, strTitle)
If IsNull(strReplace) Then Exit Sub

nCompare = MsgBox("Perform case-sensitive replacement?", vbYesNoCancel + vbQuestion, strTitle)
If (nCompare = vbYes) Then
	nCompare = vbBinaryCompare
ElseIf (nCompare = vbNo) Then
	nCompare = vbTextCompare
	Exit Sub
End If

If (StrComp(strFind, strReplace, nCompare) = 0) Then Exit Sub

Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(False)
For Each strObject In arrObjects
	If Rhino.IsText(strObject) Then
		strOldText = Rhino.TextObjectText(strObject)
		strNewText = Replace(strOldText, strFind, strReplace, 1, -1, nCompare)
		If (StrComp(strOldText, strNewText, nCompare) <> 0) Then
			Call Rhino.TextObjectText(strObject, strNewText)
			nCount = nCount + 1
		End If
	End If
	If Rhino.IsTextDot(strObject) Then
		strOldText = Rhino.TextDotText(strObject)
		strNewText = Replace(strOldText, strFind, strReplace, 1, -1, nCompare)
		If (StrComp(strOldText, strNewText, nCompare) <> 0) Then
			Call Rhino.TextDotText(strObject, strNewText)
			nCount = nCount + 1
		End If
	End If

Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(True)

Call Rhino.Print(CStr(nCount) & " text object(s) modified.")

End Sub

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dalechangetextscriptwithtextdot.rvb (2.1 KB)


It Works!


can anyone implement. the star β€œ*” feature. what i mean;

search for is β€œXYZ*” script finds XYZ1, XYZ2, XYZ3 … and replaces everthing with what is wanted.


edit: and to be able to replace with nothing, erasing

Dusting off an old thread…

Has anyone got a copy of the ReplaceText.rvb that’s linked to earlier in this conversation? The link’s dead now and I can’t find similar on google.

Edit: Just found it, here: