Rendering wish: dynamic viewport while editing textures

When I access a texture from the textures panel, I can still pan/zoom/dolly in the viewports to see the results of changes that I make in the panel. But when I access textures window through the material panel, I cannot pan/zoom/dolly, making it very frustrating to use. Seems like both should work the same way.

Hi Peter,
I’m not seeing this behavior… can you give a bit more detail on steps to repeat?

I’m using a custom material, applying a texture in the color channel and then editing the texture by clicking on it…I can pan, zoom, and dolly throughout the entire process.


Yeah, I don’t see it anymore. Let’s assume it was fixed or that I was crazy.

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Hey Kyle, I had a chance to check into this again and there is an issue. See vid attached. It’s so similar to yours that it’s not easy to pick out what is different, but I think this is it: I am accessing the texture through the properties panel, not through the materials panel. The result is that a modal window pops up, instead of the more-useful non-modal textures panel. Maybe, because it’s accessed through the properties panel, it has to be that way - I don’t know.

ok, this i"m seeing… I think you are correct, the modal vs non modal… not sure if that can be changed, but I’ll for sure write it up and see. The workaround for sure is to simply use the materials or textures tab

regardless, I wrote it up here:

thanks for the report, keep em coming!

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