_RenderAddDecal command?


The documentation mentions a command called RenderAddDecal , but this command does not exist in Rhino. Should this command exist, or is there an error in the documentation?

It looks like the command is only available through the object properties page.
@nathanletwory do you know this?

Thanks @AMG for this report. I’ve filed https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-85382 to check on if this should be removed from Help. In the meantime, use the Decal section of the Properties panel to assign and edit decals on selected objects.

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@Gijs can’t say I have ever heard of the command.

The RenderAddDecal command was incorrectly left in the topic for decal properties after it was removed from Rhino many years ago. It’s now removed from the topic. Thank you for reporting this issue.