Remove numbers from remapped

Hey! I have the following problem: My remap works perfectly fine, but I want to remove all the numbers that have a value of <0.61
The Remap is for the scaling of a geometry to further map it onto a surface. I would like to remove all the Values, that create a specific Scaling Factor, in this case 0.61, before passing it to the Scaling Node.

How can I create some bounds or cull for the remapped numbers to only pass on the values consisting of a higher value of >0.61 ?

Thanks in Advance

Use LargerThan or SmallerThan component?

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Thanks for the reply! I already tried out, only gives me a Bool, but I now figured it helps me get a little closer but also further away from a solution. When using LargerThan I get a Bool List, which I can use as a Cull Pattern, when doing so, it in fact removes all values below threshold.

So now my Question is how can I make sure that the Values marked as False by the LargerThan Node are not removed but rather exchanged with Null, so the List still has 784 Values?
I thought about using Replace Item

In the upper part I tried using the ReplaceItem but the False Pattern doesn’t get recognized for all the Values, just the first and second.

As visible in the SC, for example the Values 271-276 are False, but in the ReplaceItem Node, they’re still visible as numbers, while the first and Second Index Values which were als False got correctly interpreted as ‘Null’ and were able to get passed onto the Scale Node.

Hope its clear what I mean :smile:

The Cull Pattern can be used to delete, the Sift Pattern can be used to insert another value, etc. (12.9 KB)

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Hey yes! Thats exactly what I need. So when using Sift it will give automatically for all the Values below threshold? Would solve my problem, thus my previous reply isn’t necessary anymore.

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Replace Nulls can be used to replace them with specified values.

Okay got it! Thanks a lot!
I tried using all of Math and Pufferfish List and Domain Items, but hadn’t Sift on my Clock.

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :innocent:

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What you are failing to understand, is that Replace Items is asking for a list of indices of where to replace items, and you are providing it with a list of bools, which will soft translate to 0 or 1 as integers for indices for the replace item search. That’s why you only see changes in the first two indices. You need to map the false bools to indices using the Member Index component:

Or you can simply use an expression to do the same:

CullPattern_SiftPattern (27.3 KB)