Remove mesh faces with more than 1 naked edge

I’m trying to refine a naked mesh edge so it is less jagged. From searching the forum I’ve found a way to isolate the naked edge faces. Unfortunately, I am drawing a blank on finding faces with more than one naked edge. Help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

.gh example attached

image (1.8 MB)

Remove_mesh_faces Edtied (644.2 KB)


Or you can use Stripper.
Honeycam 2023-07-15 05-49-29

1 Like

Dude! I’ve been trying to do this for so long with other components and It’s been so computationally expensive. The sandbox version took 22s with one of my big meshes. I’ve never come across Stripper. It’s fantastic. it did it in less then 1s. Thanks so much for the help. I really appreciate it. I hope you have a great weekend :slight_smile:

Hi Quan Li,

Thanks again for your previous solution. I’ve done some more testing on some of the larger meshes I am dealing with and the processing time for mesh topology vertex is reaching 5 minutes. Unfortunately, I’m hoping to use this on a few 100 meshes and my computer would thank me if I managed to reduce this. Do you have any thoughts on a more performance-friendly solution? Thanks.

Kind regards,

Need to see the mesh.

Please see attached. I’ve had to remove a portion of the data as I can’t share the full mesh. Thanks.

Mesh_sample.stl (3.8 MB)

The attached is using Faces Connectivity (FF) to cut the mustard. I could use EF Conn as well if the results are not the desired ones).

No thread safe Parallel Method is implemented, mind (that’s maybe in the next update). (120.9 KB)

BTW: If you have cases that yied somehow slow results provide a test case in R5 Format.


Hi Pfotiad0,

Thanks, so much for your assistance. This is amazing. You are the master of speed!

PS I just rewatched the 2023 Isle of man TT last week. No Ducatis unfortunately but still amazing

Have a great weekend,

The only race series left for real men (OK there’s some others as well around but the Island is the King [and cats have no tail - for min drag reasons obviously] ).

Notify if you want a Recursive option (do it until … blah, blah).

Update: Appears that windsurfing and coding don’t mix well: sorry. Recycle V1 ASAP: (124.4 KB)