RemapObs to World tool

Hey Mitch, (@Helvetosaur)

I wonder if you would be kind enough to explain to me how to use the remap objects to world tool? I’ve made a quick, little, one -minute video showing you what I’m doing:

Thank you.


This is a “re-mapping”, so you are mapping a point on the object to the origin, a point on the object which you want to lie along the world x axis and a point to indicate direction for the world y-axis. It’s just like setting a CPlane with 3 points to the object, then using RemapCPlane to remap the object to World XY.

Pick a point on the object to move to the origin.
Pick a second point on the object that you want to lie on the world x axis once the object is remapped.
Pick a third point on the object which should lie in the world XY plane once the object is remapped.



Hi Mitch, great tool. Where can I get it?

Found the whole set Mitch. Where have you been in my life? Great stuff, Thanks!

Thanks guys, I really do need to update the tools soon as well… --Mitch

Thank you, Mitch (@Helvetosaur).

This is what I was hoping it was.