Region Union not working

HI guys,

Im just following a tutorial online, and was hoping to get a region union component working.

It works fine in the tutorial, however mine doesn’t register any curves.

Any idea?

region (26.1 KB)

region union Edited (30.7 KB)

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Thanks again @Quan_Li ! I do wonder why we couldnt just past it through the region union component like the tutorial video though. Any thoughts from you will be appreciated.

if youre interested @Quan_Li . 9:28 min in this video…

At 9:28 in the video you linked, you can see that the input to the Region Union component is a DataTree (note the dashed line).

In your file, you’re inputting 137 curves in one list that are located on 7 different planes.

If you group the curves by their z-position you will get the output you want.

region (25.0 KB)



I appreciate this @kev.r

Thank you so much for sharing. You too @Quan_Li


@kev.r sorry to bother you again. I was wondering if you know how we can match the branches here ?
I believe I’ve just gotten lucky that my trim tree outputs match the region union output, hence the intersection.

is there a way for the trim tree output to match ? At the moment It intersects but i still have an error at the end of my script.

** Im using ShiftPaths instead of flatten if any components goes missing

IQON TOWER by (28.1 KB)

Looking at the tutorial video again, you see the inputs to the Curve | Curve (CCX) component are both DataTrees with matching number of branches. You need to use the same DataTree of curves grouped by z-position as input to the Explode component and the Region Union component.

Even after this there is some odd behavior with this file on macOS but it seems to work ok on Windows (what you appear to be using).

IQON TOWER by (23.6 KB)


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Make sense now. Thanks @kev.r !!

Do you know why the result of this list item doesn’t return the curve according to the tutorial ?
After culling duplicates, the curves that were returned doesn’t seem to reflect

Tutorial ar 12:16

My end result

IQON TOWER by (30.4 KB)

Your result looks correct to me.

I followed through that tutorial myself, and this is the results I ended up with (seems correct, but no guarantee). Uses LunchBox, Weaverbird, and Pufferfish plug-ins. (33.7 KB)
