My fears materialised: something that is working in V7 is giving me errors in V8.
No words of information about component’s changed behaviour:
My fears materialised: something that is working in V7 is giving me errors in V8.
No words of information about component’s changed behaviour:
I believe this topic deserves its own thread.
If you can post the GH script you’re using, or a sub-section of it, that’d help us figure out the problem @Piotr
I can define the issue in simple words: V7 accepts surfaces in region operators, V8 doesn’t.
There is no problem to bypass this, of course, but I speak for a team of people and a large company: we don’t want surprises, they are costly af.
V7 vs (8.4 KB)
Maybe so but the old thread title is still relevant: (the answer is still no )
14 month later: Is Rhino V8 finally useable for us?
it’s not about Surfaces, I think this problem was cause by the introduction of Extrusions in V8:
in particular, I think all the GH components that accept Geometries should be modified in such a way they automatically transform Extrusions into Breps whenever possible
having to cast it yourself looks silly (but still works):
V7 vs (13.6 KB)
The fix is on its way it will be on next 8.16 RC.
Well spotted Inno, but as it’s been said: no extra work should be required for transition, just plug-and-play.
@kike Thanks. looking forward to it.
I found another frightening behaviour: the offset
V8 (same script)
How is this even possible?
These issues can be related (this one and the one above).
These curves are the outlines of surfaces that came from extrusions.
In V7 they have continued direction which makes them offset outwards or inwards, but always the same.V8 broke this relation.
Do you have a simplified example of this that we can take a look at?
Hi Andy
These surfaces are created somewhere at the beginning and pop up from cluster at 2/3 of the script. Meantime they go through 2D maker and series of transformations (position change).
Found it!
Please see how 2D maker is interpreting extrusion edges. Please notice the error in dir display in V8.
Another error spotted today (most likely related to extrusions):
Things unable to calculate:
Most basic example to recreate:
I don’t get countless debates about UI while these things not being addressed.
Hi @Piotr,
Issues related to conversion from Extrusion to Curve are solved on the latest 8.16 RC currently available.
The issue about the Make 2D
component is fixed on the WIP and will be available on next 8.16 RC.
This is today’s build.
The issue with the Area
component is different, is not about the conversion to curve but the way the area is computed on an extrusion.
Same happens on Make 2D
After looking into this more I decided to make this component never return an Extrusion.
So exact same behavior as v7.
There is now implemented the casting from Brep-Surface to Extrusion, so in case you need an Extrusion you can always explicitly place an Extrusion
param after like this.
All this changes will be available next Tuesday on the next 8.16 RC.
Hej Kike
Thanks for looking into this.
I have never found real use for extrusions and I keep it off in Rhino.
Many thanks for fixing region operators. I can confirm they I working fine.