I’m working on a plate for a sundial and I’m trying to achieve this particular effect in Grasshopper.
However, I don’t know which function to use to remap my numbers in a similar… The logic behind is to remap a particular number in its’ rectangular box to a new shape, but I can’t find the smart fucntion to it… The Roman numbers are easier, it’s enough to remapping the cardinal points but the Arabic numbers would be just too long to do it manually.
Although I have one more question concerning the solution with the “flow” function. Shouldn’t be the top and bottom edges rounded as well after the transformation?
Your script works like magic for a standard circle. In my design I’m dealing with a circle with a different centre than the rays of the sundial. So each number is deformed twice: by the curve of the base of the number and by the angle of the ray. And I still cannot find the function to “skew” the number to match the ray angle…