Redraw slope along an existing polyline?

Hi everyone! I’m working on a slope which is determined with the height of three points (middle and extreme points of a lineal curve). However, later on the definition I need to sort of twist this curve in x and -x direction, resulting in a segmented and sort of twisted line like in the screenshot I’m attaching. The problem I have is that I would easily draw the polyline again with random heights, however I cannot do it since the height can’t be higher than the slope at that point.

Does anybody know a way to redraw the simple slope (green line) following the twisted/segmented polyline’s path (black line)? I need to recreate the exact same slope (green line) however shattering in the same path as the twisted polyline (black line).

redraw (10.9 KB)

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redraw slope (12.5 KB)

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perfect, thank you!

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