Rectilinear Terraced Wall From Surface Help

Hello! I’m trying to use grasshopper to create a terraced wall for specific surfaces. I’ve attached an example of a terraced soffit that I did without grasshopper - basically I took a complex, lofted surface, split it, duplicated the edges of the split surfaces to get a series of rectilinear curves, which I then lofted together to create a stepped wall. I’m trying to achieve a similar effect on two interior walls and am hoping to use grasshopper to make the process faster and editable. Honestly, I’m not great at grasshopper, so I get as far as splitting a surface but then I’m not sure how I would get the curves from the split surface, how I would create variation in those curves, or how I would loft them in a stepped fashion. I’ve attached images of he soffit I did the long way, as well as a portion of my intention for this stepped wall - again I would like to be able to control the kinks in each terrace while having it remain rectilinear. I’ve also attached my grasshopper file for what it’s worth, but I have a feeling I’m doing going about this in a very inefficient way. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Split Surface Bad (7.3 KB)

Split Surface Bad Method[fixed].gh (26.2 KB)

(upload:// (25.3 KB)

This is… absolutely incredible. Is there a way I can edit the vertical division to make the horizontal banding larger or smaller?

on the left, this controls the distance. it uses your idea of the distance between two points.

so you can change the points to change the distance. but there’s a better way

you can change it to a number slider like so

hint: to move to outputs from the distance to the slider, press and hold control shift to move the wires

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YES!! I’m learning so much simply from looking through your definition. I can’t thank you enough for your time!

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