Hello! I’m trying to use grasshopper to create a terraced wall for specific surfaces. I’ve attached an example of a terraced soffit that I did without grasshopper - basically I took a complex, lofted surface, split it, duplicated the edges of the split surfaces to get a series of rectilinear curves, which I then lofted together to create a stepped wall. I’m trying to achieve a similar effect on two interior walls and am hoping to use grasshopper to make the process faster and editable. Honestly, I’m not great at grasshopper, so I get as far as splitting a surface but then I’m not sure how I would get the curves from the split surface, how I would create variation in those curves, or how I would loft them in a stepped fashion. I’ve attached images of he soffit I did the long way, as well as a portion of my intention for this stepped wall - again I would like to be able to control the kinks in each terrace while having it remain rectilinear. I’ve also attached my grasshopper file for what it’s worth, but I have a feeling I’m doing going about this in a very inefficient way. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
Split Surface Bad Method.gh (7.3 KB)