Rectangluar Lights show in layout

I just opened a v5 file in V6wip, in the file I have a rectangular light, but in the layout view I can see the rectangular light, this was not the case in V5 is this changed or a bug?

Hi Roland -check the display panel with that detail active - you may have ‘lights’ checked in V6 and not V5.


Hi Pascal,
Yep that was it. But I never have accessed the display panel, never set anything for lights in this file this seems different than V5 but I don’t have V5 on this computer so I can’t tell. But now that I know I have to fiddle with this panel as well and turn lights off I know where to look.
Thanks for your fast help,

Hi Roland - I think all that stuff is set to show (checked) in the default modes, you may have turned it off in V5.


Hi Pascal,
That must be it since my V5 is heavily customized I’m trying to work in the standard default Rhino for V6 and get used to that again.