Recommendation for creating a new button

I want it to be hidden quickly and with one button, and not by creating many layers.
There is a similar mode in the Hide buttons, but there are only two options here, and I want to have a third one, like a third secret room

It would help a lot if you described the problem you’re trying to solve instead of the solution to a problem we don’t yet understand.


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I want it to be hidden quickly and with one button, and not by creating many layers.

There is a similar mode in the Hide buttons, but there are only two options here, and I want to have a third one, like a third secret room.

I would like to keep their color when hiding objects, but with one layer, it is colored in one color.

Example lines of construction:

or if you hide it in a layer, it is colored in the same color. And I need different colors to build:

I usually paint new construction lines in a different color, but I take the color spontaneously and do not want to get attached to the layers:

Dear @VidU2007
welcome to the forum.
I am not 100% sure if I understood your needs / question.

check out the following commands (in the help or by try and error) / possibilities:

_properties → Object color, by object
Screenshot 2023-12-20 at 21.08.14
Click on the layer Icon right of “Display Color”



you may also check the possibilities of macros (you can combine commands and options / parameters - like object color / layer to a single call) - that can be set to an alias or be assigned to a button.
check out macroEditor - as soon as a macro in the editor does what you like - copy it to a new button.

also “namedSelection” might over nice workflows to what you re after.

does this help ?
(what s your native language ? - mine is german) kind regards - tom