Rebuild curves to master curve

Hello, I would like to learn what function of the Rebuild curves to master curve tool where it can be useful consists in?

Hello - the idea is that if you have multiple curves and one you like- it has the structure you want - you can impose that structure on all of the rebuilt curves, making them all compatible for say, a Loft surface.


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Interesting function…

But only I don’t understand as this tool can be used for surfaces? :thinking:

There is currently only a “Master curve” option available in -Rebuild. A similar option is not available when rebuilding a surface.

Rebuild can be used with either a curve or surface by specifying the desired degree(s) and number(s) of control points.

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If function is available and for a surface - I think it it will be useful.

I previously requested a Select surface option be added to Rebuild Rebuild - Master surface Looks like current priority is “Wish”.