Really strange flickering and freezing issue

Hi there!

Didn’t really know what category this belongs in, but I’m having some serious weirdness happen when working in Grasshopper. It runs fine and then suddenly stops working and starts this weird flickering:

Video here:

As far as I can tell it doesn’t correlate with any action that I’m doing, and the Rhino viewport is not always completely frozen, sometimes I can orbit and pan while the flickering persists. I have a few plugins installed(Ladybug+Honeybee, VisualARQ, Enscape and Lands Design) but I have had iterations of all of these installed for years without any issue.

Now Grasshopper froze in this view:

The Rhino viewport is still accessible this time though.

After disabling the plugins VisualARQ and Lands Design I cannot reproduce the error, perhaps a mod would move this over to the VisualARQ section?


Hi @rheinason,

I have never seen this issue. Can you send me to the Grasshopper definition you were working on?



I just processed the Raygun crash for this… and assigned the YT item to you… If you find anything, please assign accordingly…


Hi @jeff,

I think this crash has nothing to do with VisualARQ or with the display issues in this topic. It seems there is a crash in the “Choose One Object” popup dialog.


The crash dump itself references this thread… So I believe that it is related… Or at least that’s what @rheinason seems to think.

Yes. I was unable to recreate the crash with VisualARQ/Lands/Tibidabo turned off.