As far as the fractal example goes, I already posted one! The fourth image from the top in my previous post shows the chaos game fractal. You can even download the file here.
Numerous 2D drafting automation scripts can also be discovered here in the forums.
For instance, here’s a pretty handy, yet simple example that I shared some time ago. It allows you to tag whatever you want with colorful text dots from Grasshopper. It’s pretty useful!
Here’s another example that I use to preview CNC cutting paths in Rhino with. You can enter the diameter of your drill bit and set tabs. Tabs are used to keep the material in place, when you don’t want to glue it to the spoilboard or don’t have a vaccum table that holds it down while milling.
Unfortunately, the thread where I posted it originally was deleted by its OP some time ago.
No idea why, but anybody who wants to take the script for a spin can PM me! It’s RhinoPython not GHPython though.
I keep my architectural automation scripts under wraps for now.
I guess they wouldn’t be good examples for Python beginners either, because all of them are quite complex with hundreds or even thousands lines of code and multiple, implemented algorithms. Oftentimes the results are also not very spectacular in terms of visuals. It’s quite technical stuff really.
One example that is always impressive to check out is @AndersDeleuran’s car simulation, written in GHPython: Anders Holden Deleuran on Instagram: "That one time I wrote and implemented a dynamic agent/graph-based traffic/parkering model in three days, now interfaced with #revit #dynamo through #googlesheets using #rhinoceros3d #ghpython #bigideas"
I love it and it was a huge inspiration for me back in day.