Dates: 27-28 September 2018
Venue: TU Kaiserslautern, Germany
Call for abstracts open until June 11th: The RCA 2018 international conference invites abstract submissions that focus on cross-disciplinary collaboration in architecture. The 600-1000 word submissions can be from both researchers and practitioners. Topics range from construction, material and practice, to architectural theory and design methods. The event also invites abstract submissions for a special paper session on digital timber construction, chaired by the DTC group. An international scientific committee will review the submitted papers.
In the keynote lectures, renowned experts will present outstanding work from various fields of architectural research. Confirmed speakers include Caitlin Mueller (MIT), Sigrid Brell-Cockcan (RWTH), Margitta Buchert (LUH) , Michael Hensel (AHO/TUM), Eike Roswag-Klinge (TUBerlin) and Christian Derix (Superspace).
The German research foundation, DFG, funded RCA 2018. Accepted papers will be published in a scientific publication, together with articles from the keynote speakers.
Posted May 25, 2018 by Verena Vogler on Rhino News, etc.