Rational Bezier Curve?

credits @hiroshi_jacobs

I would like to add a parameter for B in this formula to change the control point weight.

see: Wikipedia. Rational Bézier curves


anyone up for the challenge?

like that ?

looking good!
what’s on the right side of the function?

just b replaced by (b*w)

something’s off
zero should be a straight line

no idea it’s just a try

you can try with evaluate curve

I’m after the formula, need it to control a gradient blend.
pages.mtu.edu RB-conics
This seems more like it… I’ll try to apply

not perfect but works for me

use my example it give you the right weight

You do know that Bezier curves are a subset of Nurbs? Using a Nurbscurve where the cpcount is degree +1 (single span Nurbs) are equivalent to a (rational) Bezier curve… That means a Nurbs curve with 4 cps and degree 3 is automatically a Bezier curve. So why not using native functionality then? Furthermore Bezier curves usually are created by the deCasteljau algorithm, which is recursive. Weighting (=rational) it, just means to give every cp an additional factor of global impact, just as Seghier did.

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Thanks Tom,
The output I’m looking for is not the curve.
I have an array of x values and I need to get y values.
Just as you would with graph mapper, which I can’t use because I need to control the curve parametrially.
My current workaround is in fact to use a nurbs curve and intersect it with vertical lines and determine y values of intersections.
This is ok but slow when dealing with massive arrays. Therefore I believe using an equation would speed things up.

Does this help?

rationalBezier.gh (17.7 KB)

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Haven’t read that. Well are you sure about this? You are using a parametric equation, which doesn’t work in a way like a normal function does. Line-Curve intersection isn’t that costly. What array sizes do we talk about here?

Looks like you where right!