Random Ceiling Generator

Good Morning Chat,

I have a few semesters worth of experience with Rhino and Grasshopper, and recently purchased Rhino 8. I am new to the forum and look forward to participating :slight_smile: I have been able to create surfaces, randomize between domains, randomize along a path, pattern extrusion on a surface, and basically anything parametric along linear or serpentine curves. I have no problem with creating a surface, baking it, and then offsetting to achieve depth.

However, I haven’t been able to create a script for a suspended ceiling model. Here are 2 3D image of what I want to create a script for:

I would Imagine that as being 2" square steel tubing or 2" x 2" sticks of lumber.

The image shows the tube all on the same plane. I want to see the look of haveing different levels of random tube. That could be either from the same script with multiple surfaces or curves, or by baking one layer, randomizing the script, and baking another layer.

any tips or trick available?

do you mean to have several planar layers of tubing stacked on top of each other, A B C … each of those with a different random set of piping?


That looks about as close to what I have in mind as I could have thought of. Is it possible to turn the perimeter on and off and adjust the sizing of the pipe or tube?

I ended up just making some random pieces instead of using a grasshopper script, but it is something I would imagine using in the future… especially for acoustic dampening.

Thanks for the response!