Hello!!! I want to create a rail, in fact a shape with three rails, and an array of “V-shape”, wich is a rail of an attraction… But each time I try, the upper two rails go “under” , and it’s the same with the array… If I try the array with “parralel to the C plane”, the array is not fine ( a gap when the V shape “turns”)… I draw in black what would be the perfect shape! How to solve !!! thank you for help!
This was created using Sweep2. The upper rail is between the ends of the V. Cross-section curves do no have to touch the rails.
TwistDC01.3dm (50.4 KB)
Thank you so much, David!! I’m going to try your solution!!! (unfortunely, I don’t have your recent version of Rhino, so I can’t open your file)… Thank you again!!!
in fact, I probably miss something, because the array is really “broken”, when the curves turn… cooper-rail.3dm (5.0 MB)
I attach the file, because I think that the fact that the curves are also “going” from the background to the foreground complicate deeply the problem!
Here is a V2 version of my file which you should be able to open. TwistDC01V2.3dm (23.2 KB)