Radius not connecting

Anyone know why my fillets wont connect on the top of this part. Even when I run the filletedge command and pick the the chain edge option it registers it as a continuous edge. I’m trying to put a .5 inch radius around the whole edge. Same problem is occurring with the notch on back of the part, that needs to be .25 radius.

I did an intersect command and this is what it shows.

I run the the showedge command and none of the edges are naked.

My solution was to trim and join the edges, hopefully that works. But according to what i know/ see, I shouldn’t have to do that. Just wondering why the fillet is reacting the way it is. I can see the notch (.25 radius) reacting that way with the odd geometry, cant understand why the out side is messed up.

livewell.3dm (3.8 MB)

Hi @Alex_Miller
The top surface(s) has some nasty continuity problems - the individual surfaces are not tangent. If you replace the entire top with a single surface, FilletEdge will do the job.

HTH, Jakob

I’m seeing the non tangent edges now, thanks! hope the notch edges go as smoothly now.