Radiate command - Radial symmetry in SubD >>New feature<<

I have topological problems with radiated SubD geometry.

can you define “doesn’t work?” file , screenshots?

file? screenshots?

I want to morph geometry onto a SubD using mesh morph.

Therefore I need to have to meshes with equal topology. I tried using WB thicken and Offset SubD, but the indices do not coincide.

The loop has to be unwelded at a seam edge. How can you unweld a seam on a SubD with radial symmetry?

The example in the top left corner has correct topology but no symmetry. The example in th front has radial symmetry but I’m unable to unweld the seam.

21_09_20_radiate.gh (18.7 KB)

Just by removing one polygon, so that the topology does not change, create an additional small polygon and delete it.

I don’t understand the procedure you describe?

The Radiate command makes polar array of several SubDs, but it does not
blend them into one SubD. Join command does not join these SubDs either.

Maybe I didn’t understand your question.

In order to do that, you have to get rid of radial symmetry.

I’d like to keep radial symmetry on.

I can do it with Grasshopper.


Thanks Inju but that’s not radial symmetry… :slight_smile:

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Try on radial symmetry, should work.

You can find symmetry in one subd using the radiatefind command

radiate is like polar array-

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RadiateFind does not solve my problem because it does not fuse the SubDs. I want to fuse the SubDs as it is shown in its documentation. If the Radiate command cannot fuse the SubDs, it is useless duplicate of the ArrayPolar command.

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Can you post an example of what you are trying to do? I’m clearly misunderstanding your issue.

On the left side of the following screenshot is simple SubD plane made by the SubDPlane command. On the right side is the same plane after the Radiate command. The Radiate command made polar array of the plane, but did not fuse them into single SubD despite the fact that these three SubD planes are coplanar.

If I edit one of these planes (made by the Radiate command), other planes are edited the same way. This feature is useless because I can get the same result by editing single plane first and running ArrayPolar command later.

The screenshot was made from the following Rhino model/file:
Radiate bug.3dm (160.3 KB)

I have another problem: There are two dots in this model/file. The right dot has two lines of text. I cannot figure out how to center these lines of text (center alignment/justification). I tried to use Annotation Styles, but it did not work.

in this case, you are correct, array polar and radiate would have a similar result.

in this case, you don’t have topology that would merge even if the tool did do that. (which it does not)

you would need to adjust your topology via stitch or bridge.

in the case you show, what would your expected topology result be?

In the help video the Radiate command connects the SubD element is it a bug?
Thank You

The topology has to radiate perfectly to join. If the points line up exactly, the object will join.

working in box mode is helpful to get things lined up perfectly.

see this example-

Thank You