When I delete a button in a custom toolbar, the image of the button remains in the toolbar, superimposing its text on an existing button. I have button display set to icon + text.
It’s a known bug and the Mcneel team are working on it, it should be solved in the next couple of release candidates.
Generally It will go away once you restart Rhino.
We are tracking this here:
RH-78350 Removing a new Toolbar button does not work
if I’m not mistaken.
This is so incredibly annoying. I am really trying to get my system set up, but practically every edit requires a restart of Rhino. You never know if you actually managed to add or delete a button.
Edit: I actually did delete a button and it was there again after a restart of Rhino. I had to delete it a second time and restart Rhino again.
And despite the fact that the youtrack item mentioned above is only two weeks old, this bug has been known about for months and months and months… I posted about it a long time ago during the WIP, as did others.
I just pushed a fix for this. Hopefully this will work better for you in the next release candidate on Tuesday. I can send you a build before then if you want.